Hello bloggers, This is my last time blogging because i am leaving this school. But anyways let me tell you about my activity. This is a word puzzel that i made it is related to vessels and you have to try to find them all some of them are sideways and some of the words are backwards and some of them go straight. There are 10 words you have to try to find. It is kinda hard because i could only find one and now lets see if you can find more than me. Anyways That is all if you find all of them or find more than 3 that is very impressive and you have very good eyes. Anyways thank you for reading my blog for the last time.


🙂 🙂 🙂

One thought on “SLJ (Summer Learning Journey) Wk 9 Term 4

  1. Kia ora Mahdiya,

    It’s Mrs Stone from the Summer Learning Journey. Thanks for sharing your post.

    You have made an excellent word search. I love the theme of vessels – you included lots of great vocabulary like ‘yacht’ and ‘sail’.

    If you are looking for something to do this school holidays, the Summer Learning Journey will be posting new activities every day.
    You can find us here: https://summerlearningjourney.edublogs.org/

    Mrs Stone

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