Hello bloggers,
Today i have been working on my create tasks. Mostly my create Task 1. But the book i read i have been reading is Figure skating. Figure skating has six different events. And each event has it’s own dance.
WALT: Identify the main facts in a text.
Then there was two videos to watch. The first video was Anna Shcherbakova(A famous russian figure skater) winning the women gold! The other video was about Maia and Alex Shibutani’s paradise by coldplay.They are two time members of the US olympic team.
Now for my create task descreption. So for my create task 1 we had to make a copy of the flow chart and you have to find 6 facts about the article.
For my create task 2 we had to make our own figure skating uniform. You need to also add the skates as well. You also needed to think about the country colours.
My reflection is is i really liked this because we don’t always do these kind of create task and it took me really fast to work on.
Ok this is all for my descreption!
🙂 🙂 🙂
Here is my DLO( Digital Learning object)
Here is my DLO(digital learning object)
Hey Mahdiya!
Zahra here,
I like the layout of your blog and how long the description is, it has a lot of detail.
I don’t know if I could give you feedback for next time because your blog is like perfect.
– Zahra